Terms and Conditions for ATA Carnets
By requesting (whether verbally or in writing), accepting and using an ATA Carnet from Tourbloke Ltd / Rog Patterson Tour Management (hereinafter referred to as RPTM), you accept responsibility for the operation of the ATA Carnet and undertake to indemnify RPTM, London Chamber of Commerce, their agents and other third parties against any costs, fees or duties arising from the operation of this Carnet, or from inaccuracies within the equipment list pertaining thereto.
The equipment list you provide will be transcribed in to Carnet manifest format by RPTM, using the descriptions, weights and values you provide as the basis of the list. You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide is accurate, and that the values declared are the true commercial value of the goods covered by the Carnet.
You undertake to return the used Carnet to Rog Patterson Tour Management on or before the date specified by RPTM or the date of expiry (whichever is the earlier) with all sheets having been correctly stamped by the relevant Customs authorities, and all goods and equipment re-imported as required by the conditions of issue. The Carnet will be returned to RPTM or the Heathrow Chamber of Commerce by hand or by Royal Mail Special Delivery, bearing an insured value not less than the original invoiced value of the Carnet, and Consequential Loss insurance for £10,000. The Carnet will be deemed to have been returned only when it has been signed for by RPTM or by the Heathrow Chamber of Commerce.
In the event that the Carnet has been in any way incorrectly used or any other discrepancy arises which prevents the immediate discharge of the Carnet and its associated Bond, RPTM will undertake such measures as are necessary to regularise the Carnet. You will be responsible for any fees or expenses incurred by such a process.
You understand and accept that RPTM cannot guarantee acceptance of the Carnet by foreign Customs, and indemnify RPTM against any consequences of the refusal of foreign Customs to operate the Carnet.
You accept that, should the correctly-used Carnet be returned to RPTM later than the date stated above, you will be liable to an additional charge for extension of the period of Indemnity Bond coverage provided by RPTM. The extension will cover the period from the end of the original Bond coverage (as specified by RPTM on issue of the Carnet) until the actual date on which we receive the Carnet. The extension charge is levied in increments of two, six or twelve months.
You accept that, should the Carnet incur operational discrepancies which cannot be regularised before the date of expiry of the Carnet (or the date at which the Bond coverage ends, whichever is the sooner), you will be responsible for an additional charge for extension of the period of Indemnity Bond coverage provided by RPTM. You will furthermore be responsible for any fees, charges or expenses incurred in the regularisation process, including (but not limited to) charges levied by Customs for Certificates of Location, duties and tariffs, and postage/courier charges associated therewith.
In the event that the Carnet is lost, destroyed or returned in a condition such that it cannot be regularised within one year of the Date of Expiry (as stamped on the Carnet) you will be responsible for any fees, charges or duties levied by Customs, PLUS an additional charge equivalent to three years’ Indemnity Bond coverage as levied by RPTM for the equipment covered by the Carnet. (A Carnet will be deemed “lost” if it has not been returned to RPTM within one year of the Date of Closure.) In the event that a Conditional Discharge of the Carnet is allowed by the London Chamber of Commerce during the three years following the Date of Closure, the unused portion of this additional charge will be refunded.
You undertake and engage yourselves, your successors in office, your administrators, and Assigns to hold RPTM, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Director and Officers thereof harmless and indemnified against all losses and expenses howsoever incurred in the event of any claim for duty, taxes, or whatsoever resulting from future action by HM Customs and Excise and/or by any foreign customs authorities.
Further, you agree unconditionally that a demand or demands made in writing by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall constitute sufficient evidence of the validity of such claim or claims aforementioned.